Angel Wings

Angel Wings

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Swedish summer

                        Harvest this summer

  Last April we went to Sweden and planted our very first vegetables at our summer house. We planted a few different vegetables like carrot, lettuce, sugar snap, radish, onion, and herbs. We didn't know if they would like it in the new vegetable garden but they turned out to be delicious, except the onions :).

                                                                                            Foto by: Me (Angel)


                                           Cherry Cheese Cake

  This cherry cheese cake is one of my husband's favorite cakes, acually I made it for the first time, and I got help from my husband too. The idea of this cherry cheese cake came from my sister in law Sophie, because we had a lot of cherries in our garden this summer and it turned out nicely and delicious.


                                                                      Sour Cherry


  Here is the recipe for my cherry cheese cake

For the base:

- 200 gr digestive biscuits
- 50 gr melted butter

For the cake:

- 550 gr soft cheese, philadelphia is good
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-150 gr caster sugar
-2 tbsp plain flour
-2 eggs

For the topping:

-550 gr morello cherries, stoned
-50 gr caster sugar
-1 tbsp vanilla honey


- Heat the oven to 160 degrees or 140 degrees gas 3. Grease and line a loose sided metal terrine tin 27cm x 10cm.
- Tip the biscuits into a food prossessor and blitz into crumbs, then pour in the butter and continue to whizz until the texture is smooth. Press the biscuits mix into base of tin.
- Beat the cheese, vanilla extract, and sugar until smooth, then beat in the flour and eggs until completely combined.
- Pour the mix over the biscuit base and smooth with a spatula. Bake about 1 hour until just completely set and tinged brown at the edges. Leave to cool out of the fridge then refrigerate until completely cold.
- While the cake is cooling, sprinkle the sugar into a pan and place over a high heat until caramelised. Throw in the cherries and vanilla honey and stir for 3-4 mins until the cherries are sticky and have released their juice, but haven't collapsed too much.
- Leave to cool then strain the cherry juices back into a pan. Place on a high heat and reduce the juice to a sticky syrup, set a side to cool and pour on top of the cake and leave at room temperature, cut into slices and serve. ENJOY

                                                                               Foto by; Me (Angel).

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our summer house in Sweden.


This is our cute, lovely summer house in Sweden. My husband and I bought this house about 2 years ago. We have spent 2 summers in this house and we love it. Even though we still have renovations going on we still enjoy it. My husband have patience about this house and we have changed the garden quite a lot, we also made a little beach and it is almost done.

 Summer in Sweden is really nice! When the weather also nice and sunny and no wind you can swim in the lake, but if the weather not so nice for example raining or cloudy there are still many fun things to do. You can pick mushroom in the forest or pick berries and a wild stawberries which we call smultron in Sweden, also blueberries and raspberries. Or if you like fishing you can go fishing in any lake you like but you have to buy a fishing license first. You also can go horse back riding, like me if I have an opportunity I always go horse back riding every summer with my husband's familly.

 By the way we also thought about renting out our summer house starting next summer (2012), if you are interested you can contact me and ask any question.

                                                                                                                 Photo by: Me (Angel)