Angel Wings

Angel Wings

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


                                           Cherry Cheese Cake

  This cherry cheese cake is one of my husband's favorite cakes, acually I made it for the first time, and I got help from my husband too. The idea of this cherry cheese cake came from my sister in law Sophie, because we had a lot of cherries in our garden this summer and it turned out nicely and delicious.


                                                                      Sour Cherry


  Here is the recipe for my cherry cheese cake

For the base:

- 200 gr digestive biscuits
- 50 gr melted butter

For the cake:

- 550 gr soft cheese, philadelphia is good
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-150 gr caster sugar
-2 tbsp plain flour
-2 eggs

For the topping:

-550 gr morello cherries, stoned
-50 gr caster sugar
-1 tbsp vanilla honey


- Heat the oven to 160 degrees or 140 degrees gas 3. Grease and line a loose sided metal terrine tin 27cm x 10cm.
- Tip the biscuits into a food prossessor and blitz into crumbs, then pour in the butter and continue to whizz until the texture is smooth. Press the biscuits mix into base of tin.
- Beat the cheese, vanilla extract, and sugar until smooth, then beat in the flour and eggs until completely combined.
- Pour the mix over the biscuit base and smooth with a spatula. Bake about 1 hour until just completely set and tinged brown at the edges. Leave to cool out of the fridge then refrigerate until completely cold.
- While the cake is cooling, sprinkle the sugar into a pan and place over a high heat until caramelised. Throw in the cherries and vanilla honey and stir for 3-4 mins until the cherries are sticky and have released their juice, but haven't collapsed too much.
- Leave to cool then strain the cherry juices back into a pan. Place on a high heat and reduce the juice to a sticky syrup, set a side to cool and pour on top of the cake and leave at room temperature, cut into slices and serve. ENJOY

                                                                               Foto by; Me (Angel).

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